NEW 5th Edition Army Board Study Guide
21 Subjects Containing Over 650 Questions!
Master, 90% of the questions all U.S. Army Boards frequently ask. Now includes new chapter on ADPs and ADRPs! Why waste time studying thousands of outdated, old or incorrect questions that are NOT asked! Our research and experience demonstrates these questions are the most frequently asked and encompass 21 subject areas. Developed by a Soldier who has won numerous boards himself and has challenged others to excel using his time tested techniques.
The Board Master:
Is perfect for all board types: E-5/E-6, Soldier/NCO of the Quarter, Sergeant Morales or Audie Murphy
- Includes 2 example biographies and more helpful board information
Helps you study smarter not harder: Don't waste your time studying out-dated, old, or incorrect questions.
- Provides realistic and helpful Q&A
- Flip card format makes studying quick and easy
Example Questions:
When was the UCMJ established?
May 1950
If you capture a prisoner, what are the 5 "S"?
Search, Silence, Segregate, Speed, and Safeguard.
List factors that affect the range of radio equipment.
Antenna, Power, Weather, Location, and Terrain.
What Army Publication covers Physical Fitness Program?
TC 3-22.20
Subject Areas Include:
ADPs and ADRPs
Army Programs
Awards and Decorations
Chain of Command
Drill and Ceremony
Drug and Alcohol
Guard Duty
Field Sanitation
First Aid
Guard Duty
Map Reading and Land Navigation
Maintenance Program
Military Customs and Courtesies
Military Justice
Military Leadership
Physical Fitness Training
Uniform Wear and Appearance