In an age where remote sensing dominates the battlespace, the art of patrolling remains essential in helping the hands-on commander understand the operational environment —identifying terrain, friend, foe, and non-combatant. This Guide contains timeless and hard-won lessons learned for all company grade leaders.
—COL(R), Christopher Allen, US Army Special Forces
Brontson's knowledge of small unit operations and patrolling is unmatched. This book enables young leaders to hone their skills and build strong, lethal, and effective teams. Regardless of the situation: combat, Ranger School, SF Q Course —the basics of patrolling are the keys to success.
—Anonymous Light Infantry Battalion Commander
Best patrolling book available! This book contains nearly 40 years of experience and knowledge from two very experienced warriors. Zero details are spared. If you plan on attending Ranger School, this is a must have. The Ranger Patrolling Guide will set you up for success in combat, Ranger School, and other training scenarios.
—Jeff Vazzana, 1SG, Former Ranger Instructor
Most Comprehensive Patrol Guide I have ever seen! Prepares you for all environments and includes insurgency TTPs from Vietnam to GWOT. If you are a leader at the company level preparing for Ranger School or the SF Q Course this book is a "MUST READ."
—Marc Messerschmitt, US Army Ranger (R) and Winner of the Best Ranger Competition
CSM(R) Winston Clough and Former CPT Bronston Clough succeed in bringing the indomitable Ranger patrol to life in this guide. Through their mastery, the reader is treated to the assaulter's view of modern warfare's most compelling small unit —the light, fast, and lethal Ranger patrol.
—Combat Leader, 75th Ranger Regiment, Afghanistan and Iraq