Product Description
Notice: Compatible with Windows PCs only, Mac OS not supported.
Includes Over 250 Professionally-Written Army Counseling Examples!
Counselor is the next generation of army counseling software from ACO. The software contains over 250 example counselings and documents spanning 76 different categories. Each example comes complete with checklists, regulatory extracts, and guidance on how a leader should react to every scenario.
Important Notice, Read Before Buying: Due to the dramatic changes in the DA 4856 we currently aren't able to support certain form configurations. The software will only export "general form" types of counseling. We do however, feel the contents of the form are just as valuable and valid. But at this time we aren't able to support Professional Growth, Performance, and Event Oriented counseling form configurations.
Digital Mentorship
Counselor includes mentor advice, and event-specific checklists, written by Senior Army NCO's and Officers. These documents provide insight to walk you through the counseling process from start to finish.
This guide-on-the-side approach grants access to experience for those times when local leaders and mentors are not available.
Soldier Management
View all of your Soldiers in one place alongside a full counseling history, and any notes you've made about the Soldier.
Do you need a list of Soldier's that have not received their monthly performance counseling? How about a list of pending counseling assessments? Counselor can generate/save custom reports, allowing you to organize your information in a number of powerful ways.
Counselor also pre-fills counseling forms with Soldier data, eliminating redundant data-entry and reducing the risk of clerical error.
Army Regulations
Doctrine concerning counseling is not easy to find because counseling sessions can focus on any of a wide collection of collection of topics. All counselings include regulatory extracts pertaining to the situation.
All Army regulations referenced by Counselor's guidance are available for viewing inside the program in their full versions. Putting nearly 80 Army regulations at your fingertips.
Other Features:
- Never worry about accidentally deleting an important document. Counselor uses an integrated recycling bin so you can recover deleted documents and soldiers.
- Take your data with you with Counselor's import/export feature. Moving to a different office? Simply export the data from the old computer, and import it to your new computer.
- Buying for an entire unit? Counselor supports volume licensing (VLK). No one wants to track an overwhelming list of keys. With our VLK management system, you can choose how many licenses you want to buy, how many keys you want to use, and manage your licenses from anywhere with our web-based licensing management system.
their full versions. Putting nearly 80 Army regulations at your fingertips.
Other Features:
- Never worry about accidentally deleting an important document. Counselor uses an integrated recycling bin so you can recover deleted documents and soldiers.
- Take your data with you with Counselor's import/export feature. Moving to a different office? Simply export the data from the old computer, and import it to your new computer.
- Buying for an entire unit? Counselor supports volume licensing (VLK). No one wants to track an overwhelming list of keys. With our VLK management system, you can choose how many licenses you want to buy, how many keys you want to use, and manage your licenses from anywhere with our web-based licensing management system.
Soldier Management Tools
In addition to the ample information found in Counselor, it also stores various Soldier data and automatically fills it into the DA 4856. The soldier management tools also allow you to see a full counseling history, keep notes, review issued counseling statements, and generate counseling history reports for an entire unit filtered by criteria of your choosing.
Includes Army Regulations
Counselor puts almost 80 Army regulations at your fingertips for your convenience. All Army regulations referenced by Counselor's guidance are available for viewing inside the program in their full versions.
Other Features:
- Never worry about accidentally deleting an important document. Counselor uses an integrated recycling bin so you can recover deleted documents and soldiers.
- Take your data with you with Counselor's import/export feature. Moving to a different office? Simply export the data from old computer, and import it to your new computer.
- Buying for an entire unit? Counselor supports volume licensing (VLK). No one wants to track an overwhelming list of keys. With our VLK management system, you can choose how many licenses you want to buy, how many keys you want to use, and manage your licenses from anywhere with our web-based licensing management system. Call or email for details and pricing for VLK Licenses: 256.830.8282 or
Counselor's Certificate of Networthiness:
Case ID: 201416827
ASC CoN ID: 9921
Counseling Examples included in Counselorƒ??
- Initial Leader Actions
- Interview Upon Return to the Unit
- Letter Home
- Returning Property to Soldier
- Appointments
- Late for Appointment
- Missed Appointment
- Assignment Waiver
- Request for Reintegration Waiver
- Award Letter of Lateness
- Letter of Lateness Award Upgrade
- Letter of Lateness Change of Command
- Letter of Lateness Compassionate
- Letter of Lateness Flag Removed
- Letter of Lateness Previously Submitted But Lost
- Letter of Lateness Process Failure
- Letter of Lateness Reassigned Sooner than Expected
- Letter of Lateness Supervisor Failure
- Awards and Medals
- Driver Badge Not Recommended
- Driver Badge Recommended
- GCMDL Disqualification Memo
- Late Submission of Recommendation
- Mechanic Badge Not Recommended
- Mechanic Badge Recommended
- Not Recommended for an Award
- Recommendation to Disapprove AGCM
- Cease Contact
- Cease Contact [Soldier and Family]
- Cease Contact [Soldier]
- Command Authority
- Disobeying an Order
- Disrespect to a Superior
- Failure to use Chain of Command
- Insubordination
- Questioning Orders or Authority
- Command Inspection
- Command Inspection Counseling Checklist
- Conscientious Objector
- Soldier Becomes Conscientious Objector
- Corrective Training
- Corrective Training
- Counseling
- Counseling Requirements Table
- Dereliction of Duty
- Dereliction of Duty
- Drill [Army Reserves]
- Drilling Wrong Unit
- Drinking
- Driving Under the Influence
- Drunk on Duty
- Excessive Drinking
- Underage Drinking [Drinker]
- Underage Drinking [Supplier]
- Duty
- Asleep on Guard Duty
- Impaired on Duty
- Late for Duty
- Leader Put Soldier on Duty in Diminished Capacity
- Unavailable or Incapacitated while on Standby
- Education
- Declination of NCOES [Reserve]
- Declining a Professional Military Education Course Date
- Disenrollment for Misconduct
- Disenrollment from PME
- GT Improvement
- Tuition Assistance Request
- WLC Checklist
- WLC Enrollment
- Equal Opportunity
- EO Violation
- Extremist Activities
- Failure to Report Unlawful Actions
- Failure to Report Unlawful or Negligent Behavior
- Family
- Adulterous Soldier
- Adulterous Spouse
- Child Neglect
- Divorce
- Domestic Violence
- Family Care Plan [Initial]
- Family Care Plan [Invalid]
- Family Care Plan [Valid]
- Family Protective Order
- Info Paper on the Lautenberg Amendment
- Insufficient Support of Spouse
- Marital Problems
- Marriage
- Separation and Divorce Factsheet
- Fighting
- Fighting
- Flags
- Initiate or Transfer a Flag
- Lifting a Flag
- Formation
- Missing Formation
- Funeral
- Funeral Assignment
- Funeral Assignment [NCO]
- Funeral Substandard Performance
- Government Travel Card
- Initial Government Travel Card
- Misuse of Government Travel Card
- Hazing
- Hazing
- Housing
- Failure to Maintain Barracks
- Moving Off Post
- Identification
- Failure to Maintain on Person
- Failure to Wear ID Tags
- Loss of Card [Dependent]
- Loss of ID Tags
- Loss of ID or Common Access Card [Soldier]
- Inappropriate Relationships
- Inappropriate Relationship
- Indebtedness
- Indebtedness
- Indebtedness [Ver. 2]
- Officer Separation due to Debt
- Initial
- Initial NCO Counseling
- Initial PVT-SPC Counseling
- Leave
- Advance Leave Request Approved
- Advance Leave Request Disapproved
- Emergency Leave Briefing
- Emergency Leave Return
- Excess Leave Use or Lose
- Extended Travel Pass
- Late Return from Leave
- Leave Request and Procedures
- Leave Safety Pledge
- Special Accrual
- Letter to Collector
- Letter to Collector Example
- Letters of Reprimand
- Drinking in a Combat Zone
- Failure to Report
- Failure to Report Misconduct
- Failure to Take Corrective Action
- Fraternization and False Swearing
- Lying
- Lying
- Medical
- Failure to Complete Shots
- Failure to Finish Prescription Medication As Directed
- Malingering
- Medical Fitness Requirements
- Medically Unfit Dental
- Medically Unfit [Army Reserves]
- Mental Health Recommendation
- Profile Counseling
- Receiving a Physical Profile While Attending Professional Military Education(PME)
- Missing Movement
- Missing Movement
- Misuse of Funds
- Misuse of Funds
- Nutrition
- Excessive Dieting
- Fasting
- Off Duty Employment
- Off Duty Employment Approved
- Off Duty Employment Disapproved
- Off Duty Employment Information Paper
- Off Limits Areas
- Off Limit Areas
- Exit Interview Counseling
- Final Counseling for PCS
- Leaving The Army ETS
- Performance
- Good Job
- Monthly Performance [Soldier]
- Outstanding Performance
- Positive Letter Home Counseling
- Positive Letter Home Example
- Quarterly Performance [NCO]
- Physical Fitness
- APFT Excellence
- APFT Failure [Diagnostic]
- APFT Failure [Record]
- Borderline APFT prior to School
- Failure to take APFT
- Inability to Complete PT Runs
- Initial APFT Failure at School
- Pregnancy
- Officer Pregnancy Counseling Statement
- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Checklist
- Pregnancy Election Memo
- Pregnancy Election Statement
- Pregnancy PT Counseling
- Separation Counseling Memo
- Promotion
- Administrative Reduction
- Conditional Promotion
- Delay of Promotion
- Erroneous Promotion
- Fully Eligible Not Recommended for Promotion
- Promotion PVT-SPC
- Reduction Board Memo
- Removal from a Promotion List
- Soldier Declines Promotion
- Promotion [Army Reserves / ARNG]
- Declination of Promotion [Reserve]
- Defer or Deny Accelerated Advancement or Promotion [ARNG-ACASP]
- Soldier not Recommended for Promotion [Reserve]
- Property Damage or Loss
- Loss or Damage to Government Property
- Ration Card
- Ration Card Initial Issue
- Rations Violation
- Reception and Integration
- Reception and Integration
- Recognition Boards
- Quarterly Board Recommendation
- Reenlistment
- Bar to Reenlistment
- Lift Bar to Reenlistment
- Reenlistment
- Reenlistment Not Recommended
- Religion
- Request for Religious Accommodation (Memorandum)
- Request for Religious Accommodation Counseling
- Report
- Failure To Report (for Duty)
- Resignation
- Due to Pregnancy [Officer]
- Due to Sexual Assault
- For the Good of the Service [Officer]
- Resignation in Lieu of Elimination [Officer]
- Resignation-Officer Good of the Service
- Resignation-Officer Pregnancy
- Revocation of Privileges
- Recommendation to Revoke Privileges
- SGLI Counseling Memo
- SRP Deficiency Counseling
- Safety
- Failure to Conduct Risk Assessment
- Safety Briefing
- Safety Briefing [Ver. 2]
- Safety Counseling
- Security
- Physical Security Violation
- Security Clearance Revocation
- Security Clearance Suspension
- Sensitive Items
- Loss of Sensitive Item
- Separations
- Officer Separation
- Sexual Harassment and Assault
- Sexual Assault [Perpetrator]
- Sexual Assault [Victim]
- Sexual Assault Reporting Checklist
- Sexual Harassment
- Standard Derogatory
- Standard Derogatory
- Stealing
- Stealing
- Substance Abuse
- Failed Rehabilitation
- Observer's Memo for Drug Testing
- Positive Urinalysis
- Sharing Prescription Medication
- Subsequent Substance Abuse Incident
- Substance Abuse Program Enrollment
- Suspension of Duties Pending Investigation of Substance Abuse
- Use of Another's Prescription
- Use of Outdated Prescription
- Suicide
- Suicidal Gestures or Remarks
- Suspension of Duty
- Drill Sergeant /PSGƒ??Removal of Suspension
- Drill Sergeant /PSGƒ??Suspension Initiation
- TA-50
- TA-50 Improperly Stored In Car
- TPU to IRR Transfer
- TPU to IRR
- Tattoos
- Refusal to Remove Tattoo
- Tattoo Guidance
- Unauthorized Tattoo
- Threats
- Communicating a Threat
- Training
- Failure to Pass Required Skills Test
- Uniform and Appearance
- Glasses [Sun and Regular]
- Improper Uniform Wear
- Inappropriate Hair Device
- Inappropriate Nail Polish
- Shaving Profile
- Unauthorized Hairstyle
- Unauthorized Jewelry
- Unauthorized Uniform Items
- Unsatisfactory Personal Hygiene
- Unsatisfactory Shaving
- Unit Recall
- Failure to Answer Phone
- Initial Notification
- Vehicles
- Aggressive Driving
- Excessive Traffic Violations
- Failure to Obtain Military Driver License
- Motorcycle Safety
- New Driver [Civilian]
- New Driver [Military]
- POV Accident [Leader]
- POV Accident [Soldier]
- POV Uninsured
- POV unregistered
- Tactical Accident [Leader]
- Tactical Accident [Soldier]
- Weapons
- Expert Qualification
- Negligent Discharge [Leader]
- Negligent Discharge [Soldier]
- Weight Control
- ABCP Failure
- ABCP Medical Evaluation Results-Memoƒ??Fig 3-7 AR 600-9
- Army Body Composition Program Soldier Enrollment Memoƒ??Fig 3-1 of AR 600-9
- Borderline Overweight Prior to School
- Failure to Weigh-in
- Monthly Overweight [Satisfactory Progress]
- Monthly Overweight [Unsatisfactory Progress]
- Nutrition Counseling Results Memoƒ??Fig 3-5 AR 600-9
- Overweight Appearance Satisfactory Weight
- Overweight Appearance [Unsat]
- Overweight Borderline
- Overweight Initial
- Pregnancy While Enrolled in the ABCP
- Reenrollement ABCP 12-36 months
- Release from the ABCP Memoƒ??Fig 3-8 AR 600-9
- Removal From the ABCP
- Removal from Overweight Program
- Renrollment ABCP Less than 12 months
- Request for Medical Evaluationƒ??Fig 3-6 AR 600-9
- Request for Nutrition Counseling Memoƒ??Fig 3-8 AR 600-9
- Soldier Acknowledgement ABCP Enrollmentƒ??Fig 3-3 AR 660-9
- Soldier Action Plan Memoƒ??Fig 3-4 AR 600-9
- Under Minimum Weight
Supported Operation Systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
Mac OS not supported
RAM: 256 MB
Processor: Pentium IV or higher processor
Additional Software Required: Adobe?? Reader or similar PDF viewer, and Microsoft Word 97-2007
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