Becoming a Platoon Sergeant is a major career milestone and a stepping stone to becoming a First Sergeant. It requires significant preparation if you want to excel. Become the Platoon Sergeant that others come to for assistance, mentorship, and guidance!
Lessons Learned as a Platoon Sergeant is the UTLIMATE guide for leading a platoon. This guide helps you zero in on the important aspects of being a leader in the world of Platoon operations.
Knowing doctrine is not enough. You must know how, when, and where to apply it. You can only do that by understanding someone else’s mistakes! This guide does just that by applying real world lessons learned.
Use the Subject Expertise contained in this guide to build and grow yourself to become one of the best Platoon Sergeants in the unit. This book will help prepare you to execute the duties and responsibilities associated with the Platoon Sergeant position.
- What actions you should take prior to assuming the duties and responsibilities of a Platoon Sergeant.
- What actions you should take within the first 30 days of assuming the role of a Platoon Sergeant.
- What your Platoon Leader, Squad Leaders, Soldiers, 1SG, and Commander want and don’t want in a Platoon Sergeant.
- 10 methods to recognize your team.
- How and when to conduct an inspection.
- Actions you should take 30 days prior to assuming a Platoon Sergeant position.
- Actions you should take 30-90 days after assuming the position of Platoon Sergeant.
- Actions that require your immediate attention.
- How to handle rehabilitative transfers.
- Actions to take when considering a relief for cause report.
- How to interact with your medical support teams and understand medical requirements.
- How to complain and get results.
- How to think critically and solve problems.
- How to avoid Article 15s and use revocation of privileges to correct substandard performance.
- A 90-day checklist to get you started as a platoon sergeant.
- Real world lessons learned.
- Useful Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.
- Punitive Articles of the UCMJ.
- A publication list of all: ARs, FMs, TCs, GTAs, ADPs, ADRPs, ATPs, ATTPs, and DA PAMs.
- NCOER Developmental Evaluation Worksheet.
- Counseling Preparation Checklist.
- Soldier Initial Counseling Checklist.
- Relief for Cause Checklist.
- Evaluation Counseling Flowchart.
- How to Mind map your Evaluation.
- Critical Task Linkage Template.
- Professional Development Reading List.
- Questions you should consider asking all key leaders and points of contact.
- Critical thinking and problem-solving checklist.
- Complete list of Soldier Support Activities.
- Information on how to develop your Soldiers to assume positions of increased responsibility.
- Information on how to properly transition out of the platoon.
Also includes information on:
- Sponsorship
- Politics and Leadership
- Unforgiveable Sins of Leadership
- 11 Principles of Leadership
- Training Management
- Profiles
- Soldier Development
- Deployment Preparation
- Inspections
- and Much More!