Medals and Ribbons of United States Air Force is the first complete illustrated history of the medals and ribbons of the Army air service, the Army Air Corps and the United States Air Force. It is a beautifully illustrated guide of the history of all Air Force military medals and ribbons. Every type and variation of Air Force military medals and ribbons along with their appropriate devices is shown in color. The photography and illustrations are exceptional. There are also chapters on how to determine a veteran s military medals and ribbons. Perhaps most unique is a series of Air Force veteran s military awards displays covering World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Liberation of Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq. The detail sections show how veterans, retirees and families can claim their medals. A comprehensive guide lays out how to wear medals and insignia for active duty, National Guard and reserve service members as well as the correct protocol for the wear of medals and insignias on the uniform by veterans and retirees. The correct order of wear for all Air Force medals and ribbons is laid out in precise and beautiful detail to include additional information on how multiservice ribbons are worn by veterans. Perhaps one of the nicest additions to this book is coverage of foreign decorations, foreign campaign medals, United Nations and NATO medals authorized Air Force personnel. It is a single source full-color guide for all Air Force medals and ribbons over the past 100 years.